Effects of The Jigsaw II and Scaffolding Strategies on Students’ Attitude Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Issue: 2, Volume: 7, Year: 2025

Effects of The Jigsaw II and Scaffolding Strategies on Students’ Attitude Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Date of Publication : 24, Feb, 2025

Date Of Acceptance : 1 February 2025

Author: FALEMU Funke Aina (Ph.D)

Area of research / Subject: Effects of The Jigsaw II and Scaffolding Strategies on Students' Attitude Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria

This study investigated the effects of Jigsaw II and scaffolding instructional strategies on senior secondary school students’ attitudes towards Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria, using a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test, control group design. Two experimental groups and one control group were used, with 187 Senior Secondary School II (SSS II) students sampled through multistage sampling. The experimental groups received interventions using Jigsaw II and scaffolding strategies, while the control group was taught using conventional methods. Students’ attitudes were measured using the Biology Attitudinal Scale (BAS), validated through expert review and tested for reliability, yielding a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.89. The results showed no significant differences in students’ attitudinal mean scores across the groups before treatment (p > 0.05), indicating group homogeneity at baseline. However, significant differences emerged post-treatment (p < 0.05), with students exposed to scaffolding achieving the highest attitudinal gains, followed by those in the Jigsaw II group. Mean differences of 28.28 and 27.39 were observed for scaffolding and Jigsaw II groups, respectively, compared to a negligible 2.87 for the control group. The Scheffe post-hoc analysis confirmed the superiority of scaffolding and Jigsaw II over the conventional method in enhancing students’ attitudes towards Biology. The study concluded that scaffolding and Jigsaw II strategies are effective in promoting positive attitudes towards Biology among students, with scaffolding showing slightly greater impact. These findings underscore the need to adopt innovative instructional strategies in Biology education to enhance student engagement and attitude, particularly in contexts like Ekiti State, where traditional methods dominate.

Keywords: Jigsaw II, Scaffolding, Students, Attitude, Biology,


Cite this article:

Author(s),  FALEMU Funke Aina (Ph.D) , (2025). “Effects of The Jigsaw II and Scaffolding Strategies on Students’ Attitude Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 15 – 28.  DOI: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14919991 ,  Issue: 2, Vol.: 7, Article: 2, Month: February, Year: 2025. Retrieved from https://www.easij.com/all-issues/


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easij.com - 7.2- 2 - 2025 Effects of The Jigsaw II and Scaffolding Strategies on Students' Attitude Biology in Ekiti State, Nigeria


Keywords : Jigsaw II, Scaffolding, Students, Attitude, Biology,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14919991

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