The impact of diary writing on EFL learners' narrative writing skills - Euro Afro Studies International Journal

Issue: 7, Volume: 5, Year: 2023

The impact of diary writing on EFL learners’ narrative writing skills

Date of Publication : 30, Jul, 2023

Date Of Acceptance : 25 July 2023

Author: Anfal Ali Al Farsi

Area of research / Subject: The impact of diary writing on EFL learners' narrative writing skills


Considering that the use of diaries as a writing medium in English language learning has gained in popularity, there is a need for more research that investigates its impact on different aspects of writing. The current action research particularly aimed to examine the impact of diary writing on Omani grade nine students’ narrative writing. The purpose of the study was to investigate how incorporating diary writing can enhance students’ ability to narrate stories. The research involved 16 grade nine student from Asma school, a public school in Barka. The participants were ultimately divided equally into control and experimental groups. The experimental group participated in a one-month diary writing intervention. The data collection method involved a pre- and post- narrative writing tests and questionnaire. The quantitative data collected from the pre- and post- tests were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data collected from students’ responses to the questionnaire were analyzed using thematic analysis. The finding revealed that the intervention of diary writing improved students’ performance in narrative writing tests mainly in three areas: spelling, punctuation and ideas. It further showed that students had a positive attitude toward recording their diary entries, The study suggested incorporating narrative writing activities into the classroom, as well as providing seminars that successfully teach the skill of diary writing to both educators and students.

Key words: narrative writing, diary writing, diary entries, journals,


Cite this article:

Author(s), Anfal Ali Al Farsi, (2023). “The impact of diary writing on EFL learners’ narrative writing skills”, Name of the Journal: Euro Afro Studies International Journal, (EASIJ.COM), P, 1 –29.  DOI:  ,  Issue: 7, Vol.: 5, Article: 1, Month: July, Year: 2023. Retrieved from


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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) - 5.7 - 1 - 2023 The impact of diary writing on EFL learners' narrative writing skills

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Keywords : narrative writing, diary writing, diary entries, journals,

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