The coastal brackish water environment of Akwa Ibom state is assessed of the presence of Nipa palm. The study areas were majorly the Cross River estuary and Qua Iboe river estuary and three sample points from both estuaries using 10m by 10m quadrat spaced at 100m interval. species diversity was determined using the Simpson’s diversity index and the results were; 0.93, 0.91 and 0.89 for James Town, Douglas Creek and Stubbs Creek respectively. Margalef’s index was used to calculate species richness and Lawson’s subjective classification was used to classify it into rare, occasional and common. The result shows the dominance of Nipa palm alongside the indigenous Rhizophora racemosa indicating the positive nature of the invasiveness of the Nipa palm. – 1.2 – 5 Assessing The Presence of Nipa Palm in Qua Iboe River Estuary and Cross River Estuary – A Brackish Water Environment of Akwa Ibom State, South Nigeria
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